
Our Pennant Sponsors Ladies Escape have an exciting trip planned to Portugal in May.

March 13, 2024

Join our Pennant Sponsors, Ladies Escape, on an exciting trip to Portugal this May. Immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of this stunning destination. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to create lasting memories with a group of like-minded individuals. Limited spots are available, so secure your place now!

Portugal offers a perfect blend of history, breathtaking landscapes, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality. From exploring charming cities to relaxing on pristine beaches, this trip has something for everyone. Let Ladies Escape take care of all the planning so you can simply enjoy the experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or new to exploring the world, this trip is sure to be a memorable one. Connect with other women, share stories, and make new friends as you embark on this unforgettable journey. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by – book your spot for the Portugal trip with Ladies Escape today.