Perks & Benefits
Social Membership
1 year - $7 | 3 years - $15- Bar Discounts
- $5 Birthday Voucher
- Members Jackpot Draw
- Courtesy Bus
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2023/24 Membership
Our most affordable membership ever!
Access Membership

CURRENTLY CLOSEDContact Us for Waiting List
- Maintain a Golf Australia Handicap
- Includes $30 to spend in the Proshop or Bar
- 6 weekly competition days + access to competitions at other courses
- $5 discount off Twilight Golf (After 3pm / 4pm in Daylight Savings)
- Members Proshop and Clubhouse discounts.
- Valid until June 30 2025
- $299 upfront annual fee
- Perfect for the Golfer looking for flexibility to play different courses in competition.
- Note Online Competition Bookings are on a 2 Hour Delay, when compared to Full Members.

For a more in depth Membership Comparison and further information including Course Memberships and Green Fees for 2024/2025
Members Competition Schedule:
- Monday Vets (Over 55s) – from approximately 9am-Midday
- Tuesday Womens Competition – from approximately 730am – 930am (2 tee Starts)
- Wednesday Mens Competition – from approximately 730am – 1pm
- Open Medley Friday Opt In Competition – bookings all day prior to approximately 130pm (with exception of the Corporate Days)
- Saturday Mens Competition – from approximately 8am – 1pm
- Sunday Mixed Competition – from approximately 830am – 1230pm
- Open Medley Competitions held on most Public Holidays
- Members may Invite Guests 1 day prior to Competition date, unless event specified as Open Invitational.