
Captains vs Presidents

October 6, 2024

A friendly competition between Captains and Presidents took place recently, with the Captains team reigning victorious on a beautiful day out on the golf course. Special thanks to Lynne and Belinda for providing delicious chocolates for the event.

Following the game, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held, drawing a strong attendance from members. The discussions were insightful and productive.

The election results for the new committee are as follows:
– Lynne Willis is the new President (unopposed)
– Liane Nowak is the Vice President (unopposed)
– Lynnette Goodwin is the Captain (unopposed)
– Leonie Stannard is the Vice Captain (unopposed)
– Maryanne Thompson takes on the role of Treasurer (unopposed)
– Lyn Millican is the Secretary (unopposed)
General committee members elected include Belinda Hammond, Barbara Foy, Margi Collins, and Jennifer Dadd.

We wish the newly elected committee members all the best for the year 2025.

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